Our efforst to do and be better

While our journey of sustainable improvement is never-ending, we’re taking ownership through education, awareness and tangible guidelines. We look for ways to improve and do better, daily. Setting annual commitments allows us to hold ourselves accountable and hopefully make it easier for others to do so, too. Though this sometimes feels vulnerable (and we definitely don’t mind oversharing), we’re convinced that it’s the best way forward. Change doesn’t happen overnight, and some things might seem simple while actually being very complex.

We also hope that sharing our journey more openly inspires other industry partners to learn from us — or perhaps even join forces to co-create solutions. We know we’re far from perfect, but we believe that making mistakes — and learning from them — is all part of our path for improvement.

Click here to follow our journey towards becoming a more responsible brand.

B Corp Certified

We made it to B Corp and it means the world to us. We're not just about creating stylish and vibrant fashion; we're committed to doing so responsibly. That's why we're proud to be B Corp Certified. 

This certification reflects our dedication to meeting the highest standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. Being a B Corp means we strive to make a positive impact on the world, from sourcing sustainable materials to supporting fair labour practices. It's not just about what we sell, but how we operate. If you want to know more about our B Corp journey click the button down below.

Learn more

Who run the world?

We’re lucky to have a badass female founder that guides us to be and do better on a daily basis. We strive to foster a culture of openness, inclusivity and confidence for everyone we work for and with.

How do we run it?

We value our long-term relationships with our suppliers and strive to ensure transparency, fairness, health and safety for all. We’re constantly working to improve situations for all partners and people, which includes a predominantly female workforce. Amongst other initiatives, that means we:

  • Partner with tex.tracer and Amfori BSCI to enable our supply chain management.
  • Only onboard audited factories that adhere to a third-party standard for working conditions and environmental management.
  • Invest in long-term relationships with our existing and new suppliers. Some already adhere to our social and environmental standards, and some of them have work to do.Together with our suppliers we strive to constantly improve and meet up to these standards.
  • Will introduce a supplier Code of Conduct and Restricted Substances List, to be rolled-out at the end of 2023.
  • Introduced a Responsible Procurement Policy that defines clear guidelines for supply chain management and responsible material use.
  • By the end of 2023, we have mapped and published 100% of our Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers and their subcontractors. We also aligned with the Transparency Pledge for supply chain disclosure.

Curious to know more? Click here to see our Impact Report 2022 and commitments for 2023. 

What's it like working with us?

We aim to offer a workplace where everyone feels welcome and valued — regardless of gender, ethnicity, socio-economic background, sexual orientation, age or (dis)ability. We believe diversity in talent can stimulate dialogue, welcome perspectives and enable growth, and we are committed to continued improvement in this area.

  • In 2023, we’re collecting our workplace demographics and leading management & employee workshops on diversity and inclusion topics.
  • Our complete DEI action plan is currently being written and will be introduced company-wide in 2023.

Bettering ourselves

We’ve set goals for the brand, our management and our wider teams, and are training employees on responsibility topics. For example, in 2022, our Product Development and Design team joined a workshop on more responsible materials and their certifications. 

We love giving back. As of 2023, all employees can take two paid days off each year to volunteer or support a cause they’re passionate about.

We gave up meat! We switched to vegetarian-only meals in our Amsterdam headquarters, and encourage all employees to try this out at home as well. The meals are just as delicious and we look forward to our healthy and creative dishes daily. 

Mother Earth

We’re busy mapping how and where we can do better — by measuring our environmental footprint and translating these insights into clear objectives and concrete actions to reduce our impact.

Reducing our mark

We love leaving our mark, but not on our planet. We take steps to track the environmental impact of our own facilities and operations by collaborating with Root, which is helping us collect data-driven insights in terms of energy, waste, water and (carbon) emissions. We’ve already started with our own operations team, and for the future we’re planning to include our products. Once we have concrete data for our footprint, we will translate these insights into objectives and actions to reduce our impact on climate, biodiversity, and the oceans, such as less usage of water and renewable energy for our products, usage of post consumer recycled materials or zero waste designs.


We’re working to reduce the amount of packing materials and virgin plastics we use. We have already begun to switch to more responsible alternatives.

  • Beginning with the FW23 collection, we switched to using recycled plastic polybags to wrap our garments while in transit.
  • By the end of 2023, 100% of materials used for packaging must be from a more responsible solution.
  • We’ve started working with RePack, a recyclable and reusable packing alternative that customers can use for their online orders. 

For more on our efforts to reduce packaging, check out our Packaging Index.

How do our garnments get to you?

We’ve updated our collection drop structure to either avoid air transport or minimize it as much as possible. In 2023, we will set CO2 reduction targets and work on more responsible transport and travel policies. 


This is what dreams (read: our garments) are made of

Taking into account the weight of our materials, we used 24% more responsible materials in 2022 and grew it to 35% in 2023. Though we did not hit our target of 40%, it’s nevertheless  strong progress which we will accelerate even further in the future. Our ultimate goal is to use 100% more responsible materials by 2028.

  • Click here to read more about the materials we use.
  • Read more about our Fibre Index and what materials are categorized as “more responsible.” 


You can’t let a good thing go to waste. As our pieces are made to be loved season after season, we’d love to keep them in loving hands longer. We’re currently defining what circular business models are best for us and exploring how we can take increased responsibility for the maintenance, reuse, repair and recycling of our products. Here’s what we’ve done so far:  

  • In June 2023 we launched RELOVE, a new circular platform where customers can sell and shop pre-love Fabienne Chapot designs. The quick and easy-to-use concept challenges traditional systems to encourage more conscious shopping.
  • In 2023, we will update our care guide for advice on how to keep items in use for longer — from soap to (not) washing, avoiding microplastics, and more.  

Future reading